M.A.N.A Mindset Exercise: The Gateway of NOW
Goal: Enhance awareness and open the gateway to your higher self.
Find Stillness: Pause in the midst of your daily routine. Become still and focus your attention inward.
Observation: Become an observer of your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Don't judge or analyze them, just observe.
Slow Down: Resist the mind's urge to quickly label or categorize your reality. Allow yourself to take in as many details as possible.
Practice Patience: Stay in this state of awareness as long as possible. Breathe deeply, relax your body, and allow the reality to unfold naturally.
Mind Awareness: Notice when your mind attempts to fast forward or narrow down your experience. Gently redirect your focus to the broad spectrum of your perceptions.
Final Integration: After collecting multiple points of awareness, permit your mind to draw a conclusion about your reality. Remember, the larger and more diverse your pool of perceptions, the more comprehensive and expansive your reality can become.
Remember, the key is patience and surrender. Your reality can be as vast and incredible as your mind allows it to be. When the mind steps back, new horizons of awareness open up.